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About Me

Inclusive Treats for Gluten-Free Friends & Family

Hi! I'm Aimee, a passionate home chef on the north side of Chicago and mom of teenage twins. When my son was first diagnosed with Celiac Disease, it was a major adjustment for our whole family. I wanted him to feel as “normal” as possible so I found ways to adapt his favorite foods into gluten-free recipes. I also starting packing him his own special gluten-free treats for class celebrations, birthday parties, and other events so he wouldn't feel left out. While it solved his immediate problem, it inspired me to create an even better solution to help even more people. 


Through Your GF Chef I want to  help individuals with gluten-free and other dietary restrictions enjoy life's celebrations.  Given that about 10% of Americans follow a gluten-free diet, there's a strong chance that someone at your next event would be thrilled to find a safe, delicious, and beautiful GF treat on the dessert table!


Let's talk about how I can help you include custom-decorated gluten and dairy-free sugar cookies in your next event! Vegan cookies available upon request as well!

Your GF Chef,


Avondale Love Fridge

Helping Others

Giving back is important to me, especially when it relates to food. Here are some of the organizations I love being involved with. In addition to giving them my time, I donate a portion of Your GF Chef profits to charitable organizations, so your business helps me help them!

Ravenswood Community Services

RCS provides meals, groceries, basic health services, and life-skills education to neighbors in need in the Uptown and Ravenswood communities. You may find me in their kitchen helping with the weekly community meal.

Lasagna Love

Lasagna Love is a grassroots movement that aims to positively impact communities by connecting neighbors with neighbors through homemade meal delivery.  Sign up to cook a hot meal for someone in need or request a meal for someone you know.

UChicago Celiac Disease Center

The medical team has been amazing for my son and their research is at the forefront for finding a cure for Celiac Disease. They also offer educational resources such as the TeensInTransit program.

Get a Cookie Quote

Tell me all about your cookie request and I'll be in touch with a quote and design ideas.

Feel free to email any questions or inspiration pictures to

Thanks for submitting! I’ll be in touch soon.

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